How to install Linux mint 20 ?

7 min readJan 19, 2021


Hello everyone, I’ve completed my patriotic duty. I’m back at home, i’m going to start all over again. That’s why I started my computer. Before I went to the military, I was using Linux mint 19, downloaded and installed the new version. I wanted to share it in a picture of how I set up. Let’s get started.

I don’t use a cdroom on my laptop, so I’m going to install linux mint with 20 booted USB memory. You can use the following address to download Linux mint 20 (I’m using the version that is cinnamon desktop, you can choose a desktop version that you want. It will not be a problem in terms of installation. The only difference will be different from the desktop.). If you don’t know how to prepare usb boot memory, you can read this article I’ve already written.

Now that we have downloaded linux mint 20 and prepared bootable USB memory, we can go to the setup.

We need to set the beginning of the computer to start on the USB stick. For this, the key is defined in some bios systems. The boot menu can be opened using the defined key without having to enter the bios and change the opening. If you have such a feature on the biosta on your computer, you must have a phrase such as “press f11 for boot menu” in the lower right or left part of the computer opening. You can access the boot menu and select usb memory for opening by pressing the button that says there. If such a feature does not exist or does not appear on the screen, we need to go to the bios screen and select the USB memory connected to your computer in the first row from the boot menu. After you perform this operation, register and restart the computer. Thus, when your marble opens, it will be opened via usb memory and it will be directly worked because it is linux mint 20 that we have created in a USB memory..

When the computer is turned on, the menus related to linux will meet us. Let’s log in with the “enter” button on the “start linux mint” option and wait for the system to open.

Like many linux distributions, linux mint also has a “live” feature. So you can boot and test it directly without installing this operating system. In this case, the operating system is working on memory because you will not record any changes you make to the system.

Linux Mint 20 will have welcomed us when our computer is turned on. In this section, we can test our computer without installing the operating system. It’s no different than an operating system that’s normally installed. The only transactions you make make a difference will not be recorded. Because this system is currently running through memory.

Three connections on the table will have met us. Based on Windows, classic, my computer, and documents icons. From here, we can access files on the harddisk on our computer. Another means that if there is a program in the operating system that we use on our computer and the operating system does not open, we can comfortably access our files on our computer thanks to linux live.

Let’s double-click the “Install linux mint” icon and start installation.

First, we’ll see a language selection screen. Here, let’s find the language you want and click on the “continue” button.

We are prompted to select a keyboard layout on the next screen. Here, let’s select the keyboard layout you want and press the “continue” button.

After selecting the keyboard layout, we can test and verify the accuracy of the keyboard layout we selected in the space at the bottom.

On the next screen, he wants to know if we want to connect to a wireless network. If you have a wifi network, I recommend connecting, this wifi connection will help us on the next screen.

The next screen gives us an option so that we can automatically download the codees needed for video and audio files on our computer. If you make wifi connection on the previous screen, download these codees during installation and perform the necessary operations automatically, if you do not have wifi connection, check this option is not a problem, the first internet connection will still download the necessary codeand install it itself.

On the next screen, linux mint analyzes harddrives on our computer, provides information about the installed operating systems and asks how we should move forward. I use two operating systems on my computer, one is windows and the other is linux.

The first option is to delete Linux mint 19 and install linux mint 20. The second option states that we can delete the disc completely and only install linux mint 20. Then the option is to split the disc into pieces as we want, giving us options to set it up in the space we want.

I want to partition hardiski myself by selecting the third option here.

The next screen shows the areas on the disk. Here it clearly writes the name of the previously installed operating system. It says how much space it takes on the hard drive and how much empty it is.

We click on this area, press the “-” button at the bottom and delete this area. After deleting it, we click on the same area and press the “+” button this time and reach the screen where we will make the necessary adjustments for system installation.

I’d like to add a small note, I delete the operating system that exists here and i’m setting up a new version. If you just bought your computer or are going to install on a zero harddrive, there will be only one space on this page. The rest of the operations will be the same. There’s no difference.

The next screen comes on the harddisk screen creating partitions for this operating system. We see how much space the section we will create on this screen will have and the options that define a few features of this area.

What is the primary section? The partition with the operating system on it is called the primary partition. 4 primary partitions can be installed on the disk. That means we can install 4 linux-based operating systems on a single disk. We choose the section type as “primary” because we want to build our operating system in this area where we will create it.

What is the logical part? the name given to other partitions created outside the logical partition operating system.

We choose the beginning as a section location. He wants us to select a file type in how to use it. We select the latest version of the Ext file type used on Linux, the version of Ext4.

We select the “/” symbol in the binding point section. This symbol represents the root folder on linux. After we make this choice, click on the “arrow” button and continue.

If you encounter an error in formatting after this section, right-click and change the area where we’re doing the operation, and then mark format this section. Then continue processing.

After the process is over, let’s press the “install now” button and start installation.

He shows the changes we made on the next screen and wants us to approve it. On this screen, let’s do the final checks and press the “go ahead” button and move on. We’re going to have to wait a while from now on. Let’s break the necessary files hardiske and perform operating system setup.

He wants to know where we’re in the next screen. We’re marking and moving on.

On the next screen, he wants us to enter the information necessary to create a user on our computer. We’re going in and on with this information.

We have completed the installation successfully. The operating system was installed on our computer. The required files have been transferred to our hard drive. Finally, with the operating system that has been restarted and installed our computer, we can turn on our computer, or we can continue to use it over memory without restarting the computer. Here we are restarting our computer and enjoying the Linux mint operating system :)


This article was first published on the website on 15.09.2020

